Never Enough “Me Time”

Ahhh the days of having “me time” seem so far and few between.  I’m not talking 30 minutes here or an hour there I’m talkin’ good quality “me time”… like 5-6 hours or even better a whole day!  Being a mom, a wife and juggling a busy career somehow finding “me time” seems almost impossible.  What’s so funny is I think about the days when Myles was an infant I thought that was so hard (and to a certain degree it was), but back then I actually had more “me time”.  All he used to do was sleep, eat and poop.  Now, I’m starting to learn the older they get the harder it is and the more exhausting it can be.   Here’s a perfect example of what I’m talking about… I had a pounding headache today, but instead of resting I took two Advil and dealt with a 3-year-old tantrum for like 30 minutes over Thomas the Train.  Ugggghhh!!!

Don’t get me wrong… I love spending time with my family, BUT…  I daydream of spending a night alone in a hotel, eating junk food and watching what I want on TV instead of PBS Kids, Nick Jr., Thomas the Train or any other kiddie programming or my husband’s video games.  I know you ladies understand what I’m talking about.   I feel like I’m constantly scurrying around like a rat here and there… just in constant motion stopping for a few minutes in between.  By bedtime it’s feel like an extra effort just to floss or wash my face.   I feel like I get so caught up in the daily grind of life I just forget to take time out for myself.  I do know some moms who make sure they get that time and kudos to them!  Why I torture myself like this I don’t know… perhaps I think I’m “super mom”.  But even superheroes get a break, right?

I just need to embrace the concept that I don’t have to do it all.  I need to retire my superhero cape and take the “S” off my chest. I have a great supportive and capable husband who can handle things too.  I don’t know if it’s a mommy thing or just a me thing that I need to take on everything, but I don’t!!!  I just need to be better about taking a time out.  Who knows I could probably be a less stressed wife and mother if just took the time to recharge for a minute.  Alright,  so now that I’m putting this out there I just need to make sure I follow through and do it.  While I know this is not a new topic.. clearly it’s an issue that just doesn’t seem to go away.  Any advice?  Do you get enough “me time” and if so how do you make sure you do?

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ordips
    Jun 04, 2010 @ 09:37:56

    My wife were like crying last night about how being tired she was for being a stay at home mom and my heart breaks when i saw her like that.

  2. Tonya NewNaturalista
    Jun 04, 2010 @ 13:41:33

    Yes! I’ve been wanting to do my nails for weeks now. By the time I have a moment to do them (and allow enough time to dry) I want to take that time to sleep!

  3. NatashaJ
    Jun 04, 2010 @ 20:18:07

    You get to floss and wash your face? 😉 Kidding. Right there with you. One option I’ve settled on is to stop obsessing and just let Dad and kids build their own rituals, even if it’s not what I’d have the kids do. I’m all: “Let’s go for a walk! Let’s do a “learning” activity! Some 2 y.o. in Mumbai is learning trigonometry right now!”

    In contrast, hubby is fine with popping a bowl of popcorn and watching a vintage cartoon with our 2. y.o. (Speed Racer or Samurai Jack, anyone?). And she LOVES it. It’s their “thing.”

    Now I see it as a good balance to more structured or outside activities and it gives me some “me” time. Some. I’d like more. Which is why I often spend an inordinate amount of time holed up in the bathroom getting ready for bed and reading magazines or online content on my phone while I brush my teeth. I’ll take time where I can.

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